New posts in debian

Why would anacron not be running?

How does debian/ubuntu knows a package has a updated version

"update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key" running on every new startup eating resources

POSTFIX Won't Start says: bind port 25: Address already in use

I accidentally upgraded a server to a Debian testing distribution. Now what?

"Unable to locate package sudo" when i try to install sudo on new Debian

Debian disable su to root user

Debian/Ubuntu is it possible to reinitialize /var/lib/apt/lists and /var/apt/cache after deleting them?

SSH from PuTTy to Debian "authorized_keys is not a regular file" Error

Is adding the Debian repository to my apt source.list dangerous on Ubuntu? [closed]

How do I reset default .bashrc (debian wheezy)? [closed]

Is it a good idea to put "screen -r" in my .bashrc?

Debian 10: How can I disable nftables and continue to use IPTables only?

Postifx - Dovecot unable to send emails "status=bounced (user unknown)"

Automatically mount a 2nd hard drive in Debian 7?

Amazon S3 tools for Debian?

How to override the ntp information sent by dhcp in debian?

Is my SSD drive failing?

Certificate problems since Let's Encrypts CA expired a few days ago

Clearer understanding for glusterfs for replication