New posts in debian

Need help finding what is wrong with my .htaccess not being read

lastb: /var/log/btmp empty

limit bandwidth and space usage of each Virtual Host?

Is it safe to remove /usr/share/locale if 'locales' package is removed

Make two disks appear as one big share on LAN

Mounting disk(s) from RAID 1 array for data recovery

How to make systemd wait for multiple networks?

Use multiple PHP-FPM versions using FastCGI on same Debian/Apache server

Unable to boot on Debian Live CD on my HP Laptop - "Selected boot image did not authenticate"

Why do I get 'error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64' when I run Mercury? [closed]

Which tool provides per-process (or per-cgroup) resource (RAM/CPU/Disk) monitoring?

Debug SSH not connecting

How can I select default version of Netcat in ubuntu

Unicode characters in bibtex

Stopping dpkg from removing symlink on package upgrade

I set permitrootlogin to yes but still not working debian [closed]

Puppet doesnt sign certs

Virtualbox HTTP load testing, host CPU overload issues

iptables chain name no more than 30 chars?

Nagios (Return code of 141 is out of bounds) on random services