New posts in dates

birth-death range - person still alive

Is "till" inclusive or exclusive? [duplicate]

Can I write June 15 instead of June 15th?

How to write the date of an event that lasts a few days

using phrase "weekend of"

Does "I need it by September 30th" mean deadline 24:00 the 30th, or deadline 24:00 29th? [duplicate]

"Until next week"

How should the year be capitalized?

Quiz Show Jeopardy: Are the 1910s called "nineteen-tens" or 'nineteen-teens'?

Is today Christmas Eve Eve? [duplicate]

Which word(s) can be used instead of "the first day of the week?"

What are the abbreviations for days of the week? [closed]

Describing event with “greatest” date value

How should a date be written? [duplicate]

Why can we use words like today and tonight but not tomorning and tonoon?

Formatting birth and death place and date [closed]

When back, if I say "Out of office until Thursday" [duplicate]

It is correct and formal to include "of" when writing dates?

Date: Month and Day To Use TH or Not [closed]

Is "do something by date X" inclusive? [duplicate]