New posts in database-normalization

What is combining repeating sets of row information into new entities called when doing database normalization?

In terms of databases, is "Normalize for correctness, denormalize for performance" a right mantra?

Should I normalize my DB or not?

When to Denormalize a Database Design

Minimum no of tables that exists after decomposing relation R into 1NF?

Database Normalization

How do you determine how far to normalize a database?

Postgres returns [null] instead of [] for array_agg of join table

Polymorphism in SQL database tables?

Normal forms - 2nd vs 3rd - is the difference just composite keys? non trivial dependency?

What is the best way to implement Polymorphic Association in SQL Server?

Decision between storing lookup table id's or pure data

Native JSON support in MYSQL 5.7 : what are the pros and cons of JSON data type in MYSQL?

Facebook database design?

What is atomicity in dbms

Same data from different entities in Database - Best Practice - Phone numbers example

Difference between 3NF and BCNF in simple terms (must be able to explain to an 8-year old)

Normalization: What does "repeating groups" mean?

Is there ever a time where using a database 1:1 relationship makes sense?

How to make an array of ids in postgres? [duplicate]