New posts in custom-data-attribute

Working with knockoutjs attr to write data* attributes

Get data-attribute jquery vs javascript

Escaping/encoding single quotes in JSON encoded HTML5 data attributes

dataset vs .data - Difference?

Is there any problem with using HTML5's "data-*" attributes for older browsers?

Data attribute value updated by jquery is not visible in DOM

JQuery .data() not working?

SelectListItem with data-attributes

Why does JS code "var a = document.querySelector('a[data-a=1]');" cause error?

jQuery: get data attribute

jQuery: Select data attributes that aren't empty?

Why should I prepend my custom attributes with "data-"?

Using HTML data-attribute to set CSS background-image url

jQuery find element by data attribute value

Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API

Are empty HTML5 data attributes valid?

jquery get HTML 5 Data Attributes with hyphens and Case Sensitivity

Adding data attribute to DOM

Getting data attributes from script code using Javascript [duplicate]

Is there a limit to the length of HTML attributes?