New posts in cultureinfo

Culture invariant Decimal.TryParse()

DateTime and CultureInfo

Could string comparisons really differ based on culture when the string is guaranteed not to change?

Get the currency from current culture?

Change Language in C#

Have sort() use culture info when sorting custom IComparable

Why can't DateTime.ParseExact() parse "9/1/2009" using "M/d/yyyy"

how to set default culture info for entire c# application

.NET (3.5) formats times using dots instead of colons as TimeSeparator for it-IT culture?

How to get current regional settings in C#?

Get current language in CultureInfo

Is Int32.ToString() culture-specific?

Telerik Asp mvc NumericText Validation jQuery Culture Pb

How to translate CultureInfo language names

How can i convert English digits to Arabic digits?

Programmatic way to get all the available languages (in satellite assemblies)

DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString() with CultureInfo

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats

String sorting issue in C#

Setting Culture (en-IN) globally in WPF application