New posts in css

How can I use/emulate regex-like backreferences in attribute selectors?

Is there any way to change one word color of placeholder

Gmail is ignoring "display:none"

How to standardize the height of a select box between Chrome and Firefox? [closed]

css to make bootstrap navbar transparent

Rails: Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiled in development

Tools to optimize (remove redundancy and merge) CSS? [closed]

Twitter Bootstrap: column re-ordering for full width divs

HTML: Any way to reduce the clickable area of a text in an onclick event?

JavaFX Node partial border

CSS metaphysics: WHY is page vertical alignment so difficult?

Why do all browsers download all CSS files - even for media types they don't support?

What are the default values for justify-content & align content?

Pass function or mixin by reference in SASS

Styled-Components vs SASS (SCSS) or LESS [closed]

Height is not correct in flexbox items in Chrome [duplicate]

MUI createTheme is not properly passing theme to MUI components

CSS specificity or inheritance?

How do I hide a scrollbar after scrolling and make it visible again on scroll?

Tailwindcss version 3 classes not working on class attributes, but works on @apply for Angular 13