New posts in core-data

Storing images in Core Data or as file?

How to view data stored in Core Data?

'filenames are used to distinguish private declarations of the same name' error

Core Data Save Error (NSValidationErrorKey, Cocoa error 1570) saving NSDate

Why should I use Core Data for my iPhone app?

dispatch_sync vs. dispatch_async on main queue

Core Data vs. SQLite for SQL experienced developers

CoreData get distinct values of Attribute

Core Data and Core Location

iPhone: Save boolean into Core Data

invalid redeclaration in auto code generate NSManagedObject Subclass Swift 3

Swift 2, warning: could not load any Objective-C class information from the dyld shared cache

NSFetchedResultsController + UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource + CoreData - How to diff on the entire object?

Core Data's NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and sharing objects between threads

Core Data "use scalar properties for primitive data types" check box

How do I copy or move an NSManagedObject from one context to another?

Understanding Core Data delete rules on One to Many

SwiftUI DatePicker Binding optional Date, valid nil

How to represent Core Data optional Scalars (Bool/Int/Double/Float) in Swift?

Use CoreData or SQLite on iPhone? [closed]