New posts in controls

Text on a ProgressBar in WPF

How can I change the Java Runtime Version on Windows (7)?

Setting Button FlatStyle in WPF

Get a Windows Forms control by name in C#

Fake-scrolling containers with very many controls

Finding all controls in an ASP.NET Panel?

Applying Styles To ListItems in CheckBoxList

Unable to copy-paste Winforms controls from a form in a project to a form in a c# project

How to use Events with Option Button Controls on Userform [duplicate]

Pass click event of child control to the parent control

Removing dynamically created controls in C#

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application?

C# Get a control's position on a form

What is the difference between User Control, Custom Control and Component?

Where can I find free WPF controls and control templates? [closed]

How to change disabled background color of TextBox in WPF

WPF TextBox and Scroll behavior

Why won't control update/refresh mid-process

Differences between Excel's Form Controls & ActiveX Controls

Is there any good Markdown Javascript library or control? [closed]