New posts in constexpr

Equivalent ternary operator for constexpr if?

constexpr const vs constexpr variables?

Whyever **not** declare a function to be `constexpr`?

Static member access in constant expressions

Static constexpr odr-used or not?

"constexpr if" vs "if" with optimizations - why is "constexpr" needed?

Is it legal to declare a constexpr initializer_list object?

Is constexpr supported with lambda functions / expressions?

constexpr not compiling in VC2013

Can I obtain C++ type names in a constexpr way?

constexpr vs. static const: Which one to prefer?

static constexpr vs constexpr in function body?

enum vs constexpr for actual static constants inside classes

Concat two `const char` string literals

C++11 constexpr function pass parameter

Constexpr pointer value

What's the difference between static constexpr and static inline variables in C++17?

static constexpr member of same type as class being defined

C++11: Compile Time Calculation of Array

constexpr initializing static member using static function