New posts in connectedness

Is every connected subset of the Sierpiński triangle arcwise connected?

Product of path connected spaces is path connected

Let $X=\{a,b,c,d\}$. Find the connected component $C(a)=\bigcup \{A \mid a \in A , A \subset X, \text{$A$ connected}\}$.

Every point in topology space belongs to exactly one connected component.

Is connected component of sublevel set of continuous function always path connected?

Prove that $E$ is disconnected iff there exists two open disjoint sets $A$,$B$ in $X$

Topology of matrices

Is there a way to phrase "continuous" in terms of "connected"?

Connected topological space such that the removal of any of its points disconnects it into exactly $3$ connected components?

Quasicomponents and components in compact Hausdorff space

Connectedness of points with both rational or irrational coordinates in the plane?

Showing that $\mathbb{R}$ is connected [duplicate]

If $C$ is a component of $Y$ and a component of $Z$, is it a component of $Y\cup Z$?

Could *I* have come up with the definition of Compactness (and Connectedness)?

Can a countable dense subset be split into two disjoint dense subsets?

Is bijection mapping connected sets to connected homeomorphism?

Why is self-intersection not allowed with continuous transformations?

Removal of an arbitrary point of the boundary of a closed and connected $A\subseteq\Bbb R^2$ so the new set remains connected

Closed unit interval is connected proof

Formal proof that $\mathbb{R}^{2}\setminus (\mathbb{Q}\times \mathbb{Q}) \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.