New posts in complexity-theory

Can an O(n) algorithm ever exceed O(n^2) in terms of computation time?

Sorting algorithms for data of known statistical distribution?

Is list::size() really O(n)?

What is the complexity of this simple piece of code?

Explain the proof by Vinay Deolalikar that P != NP [closed]

General rules for simplifying SQL statements

Why SortedSet<T>.GetViewBetween isn't O(log N)?

Difference between O(n) and O(log(n)) - which is better and what exactly is O(log(n))?

Time complexity of unshift() vs. push() in Javascript

multiset, map and hash map complexity

Sorting in linear time? [closed]

Example of O(n!)?

O(N log N) Complexity - Similar to linear?

How to understand the knapsack problem is NP-complete?

What is O(log* N)?

Programmatically obtaining Big-O efficiency of code

What is the complexity of regular expression?

Why is the knapsack problem pseudo-polynomial?

What's the Time Complexity of Average Regex algorithms?

Is Big O(logn) log base e?