New posts in command-line

Problem with speedtest-cli

How to launch system's "Network diagnostics" from the command line

See Everything In The Terminal/Command Prompt After Long Output

Reset Keyboard Preferences

Can I get coloured output in interactive python shell?

Execute a command stored into a $variable

Convert mp4 to mp3 Using Shell Script

One-line fix for "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available"?

Parsing wmic logicaldisk get Information [duplicate]

Why can't I launch telnet.exe from a Windows 8 command prompt?

aquamacs open and jump to line number

Cleaning the command line (like `ESC` in Windows)

When should I use < or <() or << and > or >()?

How to find the process id for the app instance created by "open" command

Powershell - replace text after wildcard, with nothing?

Should I use FTP or SFTP command?

Check if a process is running, if not execute it again in Terminal

How to determine out what Wi-Fi channel is used from the command line?

Remove parenthesis and brackets from multiple directories

Move characters from the start of filenames to the end (before extension) and add whitespace