New posts in command-line

How do I remove the remaining part of a word in the shell?

how to find the installing path of some install application? [duplicate]

Is it possible to access source code or a config file of a terminal command, to read how it works and even customize it on local computer? [duplicate]

How to list specific type of files in recursive directories in shell?

Can I use bash brace expansion in for loop?

How to move files from subdirectories that have the same directory name to its relative upper/parent directory?

Head with a weird behavior

Can someone spell out what this wget command to install Heroku toolbelt does?

Is there a command-line program to read tags from .m4a files?

"Turn screen off when inactive"-setting from terminal [duplicate]

Changing ownership of folder not working!

How to untar a .tar.xz file [duplicate]

How to add users from .csv by specific field?

How to initiate automatic execution of commands upon keyboard layout switch?

Command-line Decrypting of PDF, given a document open password

How Do I Update Ubuntu Linux Software Using Command Line? [duplicate]

How to write zeros in one pass to free space on FAT32 drive? [duplicate]

Where is MinimalCD for 20.04 LTS?

Is there a way to disable a Messages account via command line?

Is it possible to pipe with cd command [closed]