New posts in collatz-conjecture

Can there be integer solutions (please PROVE) [closed]

Collatz Conjecture: Properties of odd integers that make up a cycle

Besides the $3x + 1$ problem, for which similar problems are still unresolved regarding trayectory?

Thoughts on the Collatz conjecture; integers added to powers of 2

Is Collatz' conjecture the only stable solution of its type?

Is it already known that $\sum_{i=1}^x\cos(S(i))\sim ax\cos(b\ln x)$, as $x\to\infty$, where $S(i)$ is the number of Collatz steps from $i$ to $1$?

Collatz Conjecture (3n+1) variant

Collatz $4n+1$ rule?

A possible way to prove non-cyclicity of eventual counterexamples of the Collatz conjecture?

Continuous Collatz Conjecture

Longest known sequence of identical consecutive Collatz sequence lengths?

Some details about 'Collatz Conjecture'?

Why does plotting Collatz sequences in polar coordinates produce a cardioid and nephroid?

What does proving the Collatz Conjecture entail?

A Collatz generalization and approximation of a bounded-unbounded point of Collatz-like Functions

Why is $3$ the multiplicative coefficient in the Collatz conjecture?

Uses of "Collatz induction"?

Is it possible to describe the Collatz function in one formula?

The $5n+1$ Problem

Collatz lattice