New posts in cocoa

Swift protocols: method does not override any method from its superclass

Global Variables in Cocoa/Objective-C?

Writing a privileged helper tool with SMJobBless()

When debugging autolayout what is the meaning of the autoresizing mask strings such as h=--& v=-&-?

How does Apple update the Airport menu while it is open? (How to change NSMenu when it is already open)

OSX application without storyboard or xib files using Swift

How to let NSTextField grow with the text in auto layout?

Using MD5 hash on a string in cocoa? [duplicate]

OS X - How can a NSViewController find its window?

How do I get first x elements of an NSArray in Cocoa?

How to parse NSString into BOOL in Objective-C?

Create an NSAlert with Swift

What is the simplest implementation of Markdown for a Cocoa application?

Why does NSError need double indirection? (pointer to a pointer)

What's the difference and compatibility of CGLayer and CALayer?

Hiding NSTableView header?

How to bring NSWindow to front and to the current Space?

How to detect if OS X is in dark mode?

How do I copy or move an NSManagedObject from one context to another?

How to cache or preload SKLabelNode font?