New posts in cleanup

Clean up the /boot directory in 20.04 [duplicate]

Is there any application or command that cleans the memory like CCleaner in Windows?

Can I delete /var/tmp/mkinitramfs-* files?

Is it safe to remove the BIN files that are generated by MySQL?

Is there a usage count for packages or programs?

How to clean caches in my homedir

Is the root user able to administer screen for other users?

Freeing up space in my SVN repository

Archived and queued Windows Error Reporting

Reset MS Teams completely

Why should I regularly run 'apt-get update' and similar commands? [duplicate]

Why is /tmp getting cleaned out in Ubuntu 15.04?

Cleaning Ubuntu temporary files if they exist

How to remove kernels from previous release? [duplicate]

analyse disk space usage of an encrypted home directory

How to "clean" previous kernels after update? [duplicate]

How to revert the compressed attribute on files in Windows for a whole drive

How to remove old kernel versions automatically? [duplicate]

Cleaning Dusty Servers

Cleaning up my Home Directory