New posts in chinese-remainder-theorem

Solve congruence system $\ x\equiv m_i-1 \pmod{m_i}\,$ for $\,i = 1,\ldots, k$

Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, $17x \equiv 9 \pmod{276}$

Chinese Remainder Theorem Explanation

Converse to Chinese Remainder Theorem

Solve $x\equiv 1\pmod2$, $x\equiv 2\pmod3$, $x\equiv 3\pmod4$, $x\equiv 4\pmod5$, $x\equiv 5\pmod6$ and $x\equiv 0\pmod7$

Solving the congruence $x^2 \equiv 4 \mod 105$. Is there an alternative to using Chinese Remainder Theorem multiple times?

If every pair of congruence equations admits solutions, then the entire system admits solutions

Chinese Remainder Theorem solvability for non-coprime moduli

Smallest integer which leaves remainder 3, 2, 1 when divided by 17, 15, 13

The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings.

Determine the remainder when $f(x) = 3x^5 - 5x^2 + 4x + 1$ is divided by $(x-1)(x+2)$

How do I use the Chinese remainder theorem to find all the square roots of 11 in $\mathbb Z_{35}$?

Deriving Chinese Remainder Theorem from gcd Bezout identity

Solving multiple congruences by CRT = Chinese Remainder Theorem

Prove $x \equiv a \pmod{p}$ and $x \equiv a \pmod{q}$ then $x \equiv a\pmod{pq}$