New posts in chai

How to get "" syntax pass jslint?

Verify that an exception is thrown using Mocha / Chai and async/await

Mocha not exiting after test

How to unit test a method of react component?

Nice way to get rid of no-unused-expressions linter error with chai

How can I check that two objects have the same set of property names?

Chai: how to test for undefined with 'should' syntax

Testing for errors thrown in Mocha [duplicate]

While running cypress test, when I visit new url after login, page stays on current url only

When should you use render and shallow in Enzyme / React tests?

Mocha API Testing: getting 'TypeError: app.address is not a function'

Test a rejection with Chai as promised

Getting a UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning when testing using mocha/chai

How do I properly test promises with mocha and chai?

What is the difference between “assert”, “expect”, and “should” in Chai?

In mocha testing while calling asynchronous function how to avoid the timeout Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded

chai test array equality doesn't work as expected

Mocha / Chai not catching thrown errors