New posts in centos8

Start GCP CentOS VPS on schedule?

Ansible error when trying to ping Windows 10 host. No winrm module

Why my local DNS is not used?

xCAT OS image for CentOS 8

CENTOS apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/ is not working

How to uninstall redis on Centos 8

md raid5 extremely slow on discard

How can I make a linux CentOS server the master DNS server? [closed]

Where is the Redis module for PHP on CentOS 8 (php-pecl-redis)?

samba server mount points stopped working on CentOS 8 install, error: Failed to start SPNEGO handler for negprot OID list

centos8 nginx uwsgi socket permission denied

Creating a bridged WiFi AP (hotspot) in Centos 8 (or Fedora)

Cannot get latest-version package from multiple yum repos

firewalld is not working in CentOS 8: no rule at all is created in iptables

x11vnc can not connect to X server of gdm greeter

net-snmp reporting zero for interface speeds on CentOS 8

iptables flushed on firewalld reload

Where do I get full list of SELinux access control types?

CentOS8 Stream - what is security context in files permissions and how it can affect access?

Yum on Centos 8 - Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream'