New posts in centos7

certbot for letsencrypt missing pyopenssl module

Firewalld CentOS 7 Masquerading

Allow both domain users *and* local users to Centos 7 server

Change kernel of Centos OVH

Foreman on Centos 7: how to list hosts with Package X installed

Why is my upstream localhost? Getting 500 but no app error in Nginx. " no live upstreams while connecting to upstream"

Can one machine virtually host a DNS server and an Email server?

Refused to frame '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-src *"

ZFS snapshot send incremental

Confirming that yum-cron is configured properly on a CentOS 7 server

How to install security patches on CentOS 7.x

HAproxy health check for https backend

What is the meaning of the IPv6 config options in CentOS 7?

Require root password when executing "sudo -s"

Restrict user's access to only one directory

Disadvantages of running an AWS worker server at 100% CPU

Vgextend : "device excluded by a filter"

Roundcube 1.5.0 upgrade: Internal Server Error

Visudo changes not working until I exit the editor (CentOS) [closed]

Apache's PidFile directory is removed every boot