New posts in celery

Celery: When should you choose Redis as a message broker over RabbitMQ?

What is the maximum value size you can store in redis?

Celery with Amazon SQS

How to set up celery workers on separate machines?

Find out whether celery task exists

Celery task that runs more tasks

How to run a celery worker with Django app scalable by AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

Setting Time Limit on specific task with celery

Detect whether Celery is Available/Running

Cannot import name _uuid_generate_random in heroku django

Celery AttributeError: async error

Is it possible to run automatically celery at startup?

Docker/Kubernetes + Gunicorn/Celery - Multiple Workers vs Replicas?

Send log messages from all celery tasks to a single file

Rabbitmq or Gearman - choosing a jobs queue [closed]

Django Celery Logging Best Practice

Celery with RabbitMQ: AttributeError: 'DisabledBackend' object has no attribute '_get_task_meta_for'

Celery unable to use redis

rabbitmq: with hundreds of celery workers, beam.smp consumes > 200% CPU

Celery - Get task id for current task