New posts in cardinals

Upper bound on cardinality of a field

The cardinality of the set of countably infinite subsets of an infinite set

Quick question about inaccessible cardinals

Is there a simple formula for the cardinality of $\{A\subseteq\kappa\mid |A|\leq\lambda\}$ when $\lambda\leq\kappa$?

Sets of Cardinals without choice

Is it possible to create division via Set Theory?

Cardinality of a totally ordered union

Cardinality of $H(\kappa)$

Equinumerousity of operations on cardinal numbers

Best known upper and lower bounds for $\omega_1$

Cardinality of the set of differentiable functions

Prove that $\forall\alpha\geq\omega$, $|L_\alpha|=|\alpha|$ without AC

Ideals in the ring of endomorphisms of a vector space of uncountably infinite dimension.

Why is ${\aleph_\omega}^{\aleph_1} = {\aleph_\omega}^{\aleph_0} \cdot {2}^{\aleph_1}$? [duplicate]

What is the standard proof that $\dim(k^{\mathbb N})$ is uncountable?

A "reverse" diagonal argument?

Cardinality of an infinite union of finite sets

Do any proofs/properties rely on the distinction between some uncountable size and a larger uncountable size, in order for the proof/property to hold?

Does cardinality really have something to do with the number of elements in a infinite set?

Is $\lim\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty} n$ comparable to $\aleph_0$?