New posts in bluetooth

Connect a Bluetooth keyboard as a game controller to an iPad?

What are the benefits of earphones with the W1 chip?

Automatically connect bluetooth mouse

Switch between speaker, Bluetooth stereo, Bluetooth mono

Bluetooth audio lag Ubuntu 17.10

pulseaudio-equalizer not working

Bluetooth headset fails to connect on Linux

How to force Siri to use ONLY internal microphone

Bluetooth file transfer in shell script

"Connection failed: Stream setup failed" when using A2DP [closed]

Switch AirPods from macOS to iOS 11

Where is the bluetooth/bluetooth.h located in Linux?

Error checking if Bluetooth is enabled in Android (REQUEST_ENABLE_BT cannot be resolved to a variable)

MacBook Pro unable to communicate with Apple Watch

Share files between 2 computers via bluetooth from terminal

Missing Angle Bracket Key when using G613

My Mac Switches Audio Output From Bluetooth Headphones to Internal Speakers

How to configure 2 bluetooth speakers with 2 bluetooth dongles?

Bluetooth arbitrarily stopped working on Ubuntu after dual-booting to Windows

Bluetooth mouse vs 2x computers