New posts in bit-shift

Why doesn't left bit shift << shift beyond 31 for long int datatype?

c get nth byte of integer

Java: Checking if a bit is 0 or 1 in a long

Have you ever had to use bit shifting in real projects? [closed]

Why does a shift by 0 truncate the decimal?

Java "Bit Shifting" Tutorial? [closed]

Java: right shift on negative number

Difference between >> and >>> in Scala

What do two left angle brackets mean? [duplicate]

bit shifting with unsigned long type produces wrong results

Weird behavior of right shift operator (1 >> 32)

Does Go compiler's evaluation differ for constant expression and other expression

Why is the expression true after bit shifting the value and condition with && in C [closed]

Bitwise operators and "endianness"

Times-two faster than bit-shift, for Python 3.x integers?

How do shift operators work in Java? [duplicate]

How does this print "hello world"?

What does the C standard say about bitshifting more bits than the width of type?

Right shifting negative numbers in C

Why does left shift operation invoke Undefined Behaviour when the left side operand has negative value?