New posts in battery

iPhone 5s shows low battery symbol with lightning bolt when plugged in

Can I get any compensation for 2-week turnaround on 2015 MacBook Pro battery recall?

Macbook feels a lot hotter than usual; are these temperatures normal?

No warning for low battery

How do I remove the mouse battery indicator? [duplicate]

I can't receive broadcast on battery state change?

Can the clock speed of my 2011 MBAir i7 be slowed to conserve power?

Can I safely charge an iPhone 4S with a 5V 2A source?

What Are Charge Profile and Charge Accuracy?

How to prevent battery from charging while on UPS

Does macOS show battery health for third-party replacement batteries?

How the PC boots even after the CMOS battery failure?

Apple MacBook Air battery

Retina Macbook Pro now has faster battery drain

laptop shuts off with new battery

Ubuntu 19.04 high power consumption with intel integrated graphics

How to minimise the risk of using a MacBook Pro 2015 recalled due to battery faults

Can I charge a DC 5V - 2.15 A power bank with an Apple Macbook charger?

MacBook Pro immediately shuts down when disconnected from charger, auto starts when opening MacBook, even after shutdown

MacBook Battery charging