New posts in bash

Bash Script: Batch file rename to remove/change all characters illegal under a windows filesystem

How do I patch Ubuntu 14.04 for shellshock? [duplicate]

Run background (async) cmd with sync output

How to substitute quoted, multi-word strings as arguments?

Log software usage time on Mac OS 9 (Oct. 1999)

Can't open a file in sublime text using bash_rc

Does Mac OS X's bash read scripts for all users (tab-completion scripts) from /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d path?

Use sudo without password INSIDE a script

Is this a bash-specific method of calling a script: VARIABLE=value bash somescript

bash: echo: write error: No space left on device

Count elements in bash wildcard expansion?

Auto-complete to multiple possible file extensions

What's a way to run an automator/bash/applescript command right when a laptop starts charging and right when it stops being charged?

Bash from scratch --again

Unable to resolve Host - Windows Bash

How to change/add a tracker to a .torrent file using the command line?

Running PHP works in Command Prompt but not Git Bash

how to wait for first command to finish?

How can I associate .sh files with Cygwin?

Is it possible to get the real username inside of a script that was called using sudo?