New posts in bash

how can I set my bash window title to the last command that ran?

Bash script to create variables from and run commands on each item in an external list

pass output as an argument for cp in bash [duplicate]

Ruby - See if a port is open

How can I get colors with "ls -l | more"?

Copy contents of a smart folder to a new folder in Mountain Lion

How to search the entire system (Linux) for a particular string?

Bash prompt doesn't print until I interact with console again

Use pipe of commands as argument for diff

Get java version number from python

Escape space character in pathfile?

Iterm2 BrokenPipe Failed to exec /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin: No such file or directory PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

sed: Removing \r\r before \n in a very large file

Tail a file from ssh and mirror to a local file

Sort uniq IP address in from Apache log

How to create a frequency list of every word in a file?

How to iterate over list which contains whitespaces in bash

How do I run a command from a base64 encoded string in bash?

I used mv ./*/* to flatten a directory on a ntfs filesystem, without add . to the end of the command, now all of my files are gone

suppress output of hping in Linux