New posts in bash-scripting

awk / sed to print only up to the underscore character

How get full path to target of link

Calling a bash function isn't working as it should to change to recent directory?

Bash: Is it possible to declare each list item on a new line?

How to truncate file by lines?

Copy every 512 bytes and skip next 8 bytes from Input file to a Output file

appending timestamp to tail -f results

Properly escaping forward slash in bash script for usage with sed

Prefix to each output of a command on runtime

Extract all emails from a text document

Howto switch / chage user id witin a bash script to execute commands in the same script?

Edit xml file using shell script / command

Move files to new folderif string matches

Replace backslash("\") with forward slash("/") in a variable in bash

Writing shell scripts that will run on any shell (using multiple shebang lines?)

how can sed get patterns from a file

Is it safe to open a file that is being written by a running script?

How to detect in Bash when Curl fails downloading non-existent file?

How to update bash on Mac OS X Yosemite

Passing two arguments to a command using pipes