New posts in awk

Split CSV files into smaller files but keeping the headers?

Parse ifconfig to get only my IP address using Bash

How can I pass variables from awk to a shell command?

Parse a csv using awk and ignoring commas inside a field

Create a dedicated folder for every zip files in a directory and extract zip files

Extract a ids from text file

Do I need to install awk or is it inbuilt in Ubuntu?

How to get first n characters of each line in unix data file

Batch script to replace PHP short open tags with <?php

What command can I use to search sendmail logs for ALL message details involving a specific recipient.

Awk command to print all the lines except the last three lines

Grep output with multiple Colors?

properly join two files based on 2 columns in common

Use awk to find average of a column [duplicate]

Get floating point division in shell script [closed]

How to make in SSH private key from one line, three lines [closed]

How to find/replace and increment a matched number with sed/awk?

Replace column in one file with column from another using awk?

How can I replace a newline with its escape sequence?

How to UNCOMMENT a line that contains a specific string using Sed?