New posts in automator

Why automator's component "Get Selected Finder Items" duplicates path of selected file?

Merging keyboard shortcuts

How can I restart a currently-running application with AppleScript?

Translate shell script not working within Automator

Mac Sierra - Batch Convert Pages to Plain Text

Adding random suffixes to filenames

How to remove trailing whitespace from file extensions and folders snow?

Is there a way to disable dragging (drag-n-drop) in a read-write dmg file?

Why does Automator not see new files in subdirectories on a Flash Drive?

Automator - Shell Script - ffmpeg: image sequence to video

Problem with Automator/AppleScript Question

How can I make an automator service always show up?

How could one make an automator script to restore all hidden windows quickly?

Never allow speakers sound during specific hours

AppleScript for locking the screen in Catalina

Where to find docs for the supported actions for `tell application` statement

Using sudo command in shell script in Automator app?

macOS Mojave, Automator “Not authorized to send Apple events to System Events.”

Batch removing part of filenames using Automator

How to mount a .dmg file with JXA?