Problem with Automator/AppleScript Question

I am building a program to delete files/folders. Here is how my program looks in Automator:

enter image description here

The problem I am having is sometimes where the program runs I get this error:

enter image description here

The program does work so I don't know why this error is popping up. Is there an Automator or AppleScript command that I can use to bypass this error so it does not show up at all?

enter image description here

This is the AppleScript:

delay 5
tell application "Finder"
        delete (every item of folder "TV Show Downloads" of disk "Drobo" whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - 1 * days))
    end try
end tell

I suspect you may be getting this error because you are trashing folders and files in the same action. In other words, if automator tossed out a folder containing a '.mov' file, it will toss out the '.mov' file as well; then (later) when automator tries to toss that '.mov' file, it cannot find it, because it's already in the trash.

First solution to try: move the kind is folder option to the bottom of the list, in the hopes it sorts folders last.

If that doesn't work, then you may need to complexify your workflow with a variable, like so: enter image description here