Pages - new paragraph in the same list item?

I create a numbered list:

1. Point 1
2. Point 2

and so on. Now I realised that the content of 2 requires two paragraphs

1. Point 1
2. Point 2, paragraph 1
   Point 2, paragraph 2

but pressing enter in a list just creates a new list entry.

Shift-Enter gives a new line but not the extra space you want to separate the paragraphs (c.f., this paragraph and the previous paragraph):

1. Point 1
2. Point 2, paragraph 1

   Point 2, paragraph 2

(There is too much space in this example but you hopefully get the point.)

How can this be achieved?

Solution 1:

I solved it myself. Just duplicate the current list style and make the new style without a bullet in the appropriate section of the Format sidebar. Pages is smart enough to continue the numbering on the next paragraph where it left of in the previous paragraph.