New posts in audio-hardware

Overwatch not playing in 5.1 surround sound, just in stereo

I am trying to play Rock Band 3 with 2 wireless mics and cannot see the last one that connects

How good is surround sound via headphones really? [closed]

What's correct BLASTER variable for my sound card?

How to mix PS3- and PC-Sound for one headset? [closed]

Wii Guitar Hero World Tour microphone

Xbox one X - surround with stereo headphones is possible

Can I direct the audio in Fallout: New Vegas to another device?

Audio setup issue with PS4

Is it worth using a headset instead of speakers for FPS games? [closed]

Bluetooth Audio Streaming from Mac/PC to DualShock 4

How can I connect a PS3 to two TV/ sound systems in two different rooms?

How to connect Wii U to monitor and speakers

Is Bluetooth (headphones) efficient for gaming?

Is there anyway I can cast the audio of my xbox one to a google chromecast audio?

Will a dedicated sound-card decrease CPU load?

Will any wireless headset work with the Xbox 360?

No audio in Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition after Windows 10 Upgrade

How to improve audio performance on high end gaming pc? [closed]

How can I use a 3.5mm Headphone jack as mic only and have a usb headset as output only