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iPhone push notifications?

Is it possible to time adjust push mail on iOS 5?

How long do Apple retain notifications to be pushed to iOS devices until they expire?

Mac OS X Server Mail services and Push Notifications to iOS devices

How do I know which App is sending Vibrate-only Notification?

My Group FaceTime calls don’t ring on the receiving end

How to prevent iPad from keeping pushing iOS 11 to me?

How do iPhone apps push notifications when the app isn't running?

Can I get push notifications for emails in my Gmail Priority Inbox only?

How to enable push notifications of emails?

How do push notifications work from a networking point of view? [closed]

Does Gmail push on iPhone 4S?

What is ""?

Sending push notification to iPhone via AppleScript

How do I enable/disable push notifications for an app on iOS 7?

What potential dangers arise from a mass iOS UDID leak?

How can I turn off push notifications for individual apps in iOS 5?

How can I disable the notifications prompt in Safari?

How to disable Apple Push Notification Service (apsd) which is trying to bypass firewalls