New posts in apache-kafka

How to commit manually with Kafka Stream?

How to write kafka record key to separate column (not primary key) by JDBC sink connector?

Kafka RangeAssignor benefits over RoundRobin

Can multiple Kafka consumers read same message from the partition

ClassNotFoundException exception occurred: (kafka.server.KafkaConfig)

How can I access the list of uncommitted messages in a topic in kafka?

When/how does a topic "marked for deletion" get finally removed?

Kafka or SNS or something else? [closed]

Debezium Error : ConnectException: Data row is smaller than a column index

Retrieve always latest messages from Kafka on reconnection

Delete message after consuming it in KAFKA

Writing Custom Kafka Serializer

How to check if ZooKeeper is running or up from command prompt?

How to view kafka message

How to change the number of replicas of a Kafka topic?

I can't run Kafka on windows

kafka broker connection failed when create new topic with a cluster of 3 brokers

Registering kafkalistenerContainers with KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry

How to tell spring-kafka consumer to stop consuming, at runtime?

Kafka consumer list