New posts in ansible

Run a remote script/application in detached mode in Ansible

What does "localhost | FAILED => Missing become password" mean? How do I get past it?

ansible and reloading AWS dynamic inventory

Can ansible tasks be used as dependencies?

Is the SSH SFTP subsystem required on the managed nodes for Ansible to work?

How do I make Ansible actually compile a config file having changed my debconf settings for an application?

Ansible with SSH keys

How to do regex-replace in a file using Ansible?

Ansible: variable interpolation in task name

Show updated packages with Ansible package management

Ansible prompt a variable in a task

How to noninteractively add Certificate Authority (CA) ssl certificates from script

Using ansible check ssh passwdless login, if not working, copy pub key to the remote host

ansible-galaxy and git clone from

Ansible/Capistrano with fixed sudo command ("sudo su -")

What is the correct syntax of defining role dependencies in the meta/main.yml in Ansible?

why ansible doesn't recognize the vcenter windows machines?

Usage of with nested to cat multiple files

include tasks from another role in ansible playbook

Beginner: Ansible The offending line appears to be