New posts in angularjs-scope

AngularJS : broadcast event from directive

Confused about Angularjs transcluded and isolate scopes & bindings

$watch not being triggered on array change

AngularJS ngRepeat element removal

AngularJS using $rootScope as a data store

Call a method of a controller from another controller using 'scope' in AngularJS

Dynamic form name attribute <input type="text" name="{{ variable-name }}" /> in Angularjs

ng-model not working for radio button in AngularJS

How to detect browser using angularjs?

How to call a function from another controller in AngularJS? [duplicate]

AngularJS directive dynamic templates

AngularJS: open a new browser window, yet still retain scope and controller, and services

AngularJS directive does not update on scope variable changes

angularjs share data config between controllers

Simple ng-include not working

AngularJS : ng-repeat filter when value is greater than

Angular Directive refresh on parameter change

How do I stop $watching in AngularJS?

Scope issues with Angular UI modal

Angularjs: call other scope which in iframe