New posts in android

What is the mimeType attribute in <data> used for?

How to open application permission window in app settings programmatically [duplicate]

HW accelerated activity - how to get OpenGL texture size limit?

Does proguard work to obfuscate static string constants?

What is meaning of negative dbm in signal strength?

Object not locked by thread before notify() in onPostExecute

When drawing outside the view clip bounds with Android: how do I prevent underling views from drawing on top of my custom view?

Using GCM to send notifications on app, returns InvalidRegistration error

Error when building apk - "Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad"

burp proxy doesnt see the application's requests

Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code

Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key

Developing android applications using Xamarin Vs Native android [closed]

Windows 8 on the iPad? [closed]

Flutter - Image share using flutter plugin giving me a blackend screen?

SQLite or SharedPreferences for persistent data storage?

Firebase create user without sign in [duplicate]

Android App needs com/sun/jna/android-aarch64/ | Javacv | libffm

Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before?

duplicate entry: com/android/volley/AuthFailureError.class while compiling project in android studio