New posts in android

How to get the Scrollposition in the Recyclerview/Layoutmanager?

Robolectric says "AndroidManifest.xml not found"

How to add multiple buttons on a single AlertDialog

adb command for getting ip address assigned by operator

Convert time value to format “hh:mm Am/Pm” using Android

how to Send string from Android to PC over wifi

how to pause and resume a surfaceView thread

Implement pause/resume in file downloading

Android - Blinking image using the Alpha fade animation

MPAndroidChart hide background grid

Can't understand why my app is behaving like this?

Navigation Drawer ActionBar button not working

Remove shadow from top and bottom of ListView in android?

Error: Suspicious namespace and prefix combination [NamespaceTypo] when I try create Signed APK

Get the size of a text in TextView

How to select a entry in AlertDialog with single choice checkbox android?

How to set seekbar min and max value

Android imeOptions="actionDone" not working

How can I determine that CollapsingToolbar is collapsed?

How to create the delay of 1 sec before set the alpha of View?