Get the size of a text in TextView

I have a problem placing a textView at specified center's x and y coordinates. Firstly, I tried to set the text in the textView, and to move the view with the width and the height of the view from this link.

But it doesn't work, and I'd like to try something else. I'd like to know if there is a method to get the size which a specified text will take in my textView? I mean, I know the text and the textSize, how can I get the width and the height my textView will take?

Something like the method (NSString)sizeWithFont; for those who know iPhone dev.

Rect bounds = new Rect();

textView.getPaint().getTextBounds(textView.getText().toString(), 0, textView.getText().length(), bounds);

bounds.width() will give you the accurate width of the text in the Text View.

If your textview is called tv

tv.measure(0, 0);       //must call measure!
tv.getMeasuredHeight(); //get height
tv.getMeasuredWidth();  //get width

More on this (updated): How to get width/height of a View

For some reason the solution of Midverse Engineer does not give me always correct results (at least on some Android versions). The solution of Sherif elKhatib works, but has the side effect of changing MeasuredWidth and Height. This could lead to incorrect positioning of the textView.

My solution:

width = textView.getPaint().measureText(text);
metrics = textView.getPaint().getFontMetrics();
height = metrics.bottom -;