New posts in android-fragments

After the rotate, onCreate() Fragment is called before onCreate() FragmentActivity

Refresh or force redraw the fragment

application content goes behind the navigation bar in android L

Switching between Fragment view

How to catch navigation icon click on toolbar from fragment?

Snackbar is not working within fragment class

GLSurfaceView inside fragment not rendering when restarted

Proper way to give initial data to fragments?

Pop the fragment backstack without playing the Pop-Animation

Request runtime permissions from v4.Fragment and have callback go to Fragment?

onRequestPermissionsResult not being called in dialog fragment

How to add a fragment to a programmatically generated layout?

Single page PreferenceActivity w/no headers/fragments?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment no longer exists for key f1: index 3

Fragment in ViewPager not restored after popBackStack

Getting Binary XML file line #141: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference

Remove all fragments from container

Fragment re-created on bottom navigation view item selected

onAttach() not called in Fragment

using enableAutoManage() in fragment