New posts in android-5.0-lollipop

Android Switch widget textOn and textOff not working in Lollipop

Listview selector with colored background and ripple effect

Seek Bar thumb not transparent in Android 5.0 API 21 Lollipop

Recyclerview painfully slow to load cached images form Picasso

Android SystemUI glitches in Lollipop

How to remove border/shadow from lollipop buttons

Android 5, camera2 use only flash

Google In-App billing, IllegalArgumentException: Service Intent must be explicit, after upgrading to Android L Dev Preview

application content goes behind the navigation bar in android L

What are the 'shadow$_klass_' and 'shadow$_monitor_' variables for in java.lang.Object?

What is the difference between Android 4.4W (API20) and Android L (API20, L Preview) in the SDK Manager?

How do I get MediaProjectionManager without disturbing the current foreground process, except to ask for permission?

Android Lollipop, add popup menu from title in toolbar

How can I align Android Toolbar menu/icons to the left like in Google Maps app?

completely transparent status bar and navigation bar on lollipop

How to add buttons like refresh and search in ToolBar in Android?

Custom Translucent Android ActionBar

How to change system navigation bar color

Why do icons set with Notification.Builder.setSmallIcon in Android Lollipop show as a white square?

Elevation on Android Lollipop not working