New posts in amazon-route53

AWS Route 53 alias-record change takes too long

AWS: can't duplicate DNS settings for an existant domain

Configuring GSuite to work with route 53 - "MX record doesn't have 2 fields" error

Setting SPF record on Amazon Route 53 with cli53 tool

Does it make sense to have an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer with just one EC2 instance?

AWS Route 53 CNAME - dot at end of target value or not?

Exporting DNS zonefile from Amazon Route 53

Elastic IP vs EC2 Public Hostname + Route53

Cloudflare + AWS route 53 combined to handle records

How does Route53 give priority to wildcard subdomains?

EC2 IP Address : How can a web server identify db server ip address at startup?

Should I update Serial on SOA when migrating DNS for my domain

How to move a domain from Godaddy to AWS Route 53

Registered domain using Route 53, using Cloudflare for DNS, having problems configuring DNS correctly

How to use HAProxy to override 25 Certificates per Application Load Balancer limit in AWS?

AWS Route 53: How to migrate a hosted zone from one account to another completely?

Can I have a route53 subdomain in a different Hosted Zone?

What is the definition of a "protective" DNS service?

AWS EC2 Instance Auto Scaling Confusion

Does AWS Route 53 private DNS work with Latency Based Routing?