Cloudflare + AWS route 53 combined to handle records

okay, after tinkering around. I finally got it working! thanks for everyone for their help. If anyone else is in the same situation as me. Here is what you have to do.

I bought the domain from Godaddy, so under the nameserver, I used the name server from Cloudflare(there should only be 2 from cloudflare)

Cloudflare manages all of my services, but I only wanted one subdomain( to be directed to amazon route53, and leave the others where they are.

  1. Create a hosted zone in your amazon route 53, of your domain, should be *.yourwebsite.come

in this hosted zone, there should be 2 entries by default, one is the SOA record and the other one is sub-entries of Name servers from amazon.

  1. Add the subdomain you want to be controlled by route 53 on cloudflare under the NS field.

so for example, you wanted to be controlled via route 53,

add that in as the first field into the cloudflare NS registry, the second field is the name server from amazon, you need to add ALL 4 of them into cloud flare.

  1. Add the subdomain entry on the route 53 side, so it would be, then select the type of record(A, cname, etc),and where you want it redirect to.

  2. set the TTL to short time(2min) to see the propagation.

Everything should be setup!

If you go this route, for every subdomain you wanted to be controlled by route53, there needs to be 4x entry for that subdomain on cloudflare.

Hope this be useful for someone else in situation!