New posts in algebraic-geometry

Why is there no polynomial parametrization for the circle?

Definition and example of "order of a function at a point of a curve"

An example of a regular function over an open set

Condition for singular points in $F_{\mu} =X^3+Y^3+Z^3+ \mu XYZ$ in $\Bbb{P}^{2}_{\Bbb{C}}$?

How does Hilbert's Nullstellensatz generalize the "fundamental theorem of algebra"?

Learning about Grothendieck's Galois Theory.

Hartshorne Exercise II. 3.19 (a)

What is the meaning of normalization of varieties in complex geometry?

Why is a Zariski closed set compact under the Zariski topology?

What is a blow-up?

The twisted cubic is an affine variety.

When is a Morphism between Curves a Galois Extension of Function Fields

Godement Resolution don't see $\mathcal{O}_X$-module structure

How is the exterior power of a coherent sheaf is coherent?

Finding intersections of two conics

Canonical form of conic section

A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Geometry

A basic query on canonical map associated to a line bundle

Non-Universal Delta Functors

Hilbert polynomial and Chern classes