New posts in algebraic-geometry

Reading the mind of Prof. John Coates (motive behind his statement)

Sheaf Hom between locally free sheaves

The degree of an algebraic curve in higher dimensions

The fibers of a finite morphism of affine varieties are all finite

the fundamental exact sequence associated to a closed space

Can any smooth manifold be realized as the zero set of some polynomials?

Injectivity of $I\leadsto V_I(-)$ and relation to Hilbert's Nullstellensatz

What to study from Eisenbud's Commutative Algebra to prepare for Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry?

Global sections of the projective space

Every ideal of $K[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ has $\leq n$ generators?

Ehresmann Connection of the tangential bundle & Chern classes

Tensoring is thought as both restricting and extending?

A question about commutative algebra II - Huneke notes

Is the group-theoretic Grothendieck-Springer resolution Calabi-Yau?

zariski continuous function with regular restrictions that is not regular in any exponent

Why is the degree of a rational map of projective curves equal to the degree of the homogeneous polynomials?

Deck transformation group in algebraic geometry

Automorphism group of the configuration of lines on a cubic surface and quadratic transformations

What is the minimum background required to understand moduli of curves?

How to tell if an element of a quotient ring is a zero divisor