New posts in aero

Disable Aero on Windows 8?

Windows 7 alt-tab window disappears to back when aero peek is enabled

Why does Desktop Window Manager leak memory or even crash?

How can I revert back to the old Start menu in Windows 8 Preview?

How do I keep Windows 7's taskbar icon highlighting from getting stuck? [duplicate]

When I wave with a window, all other windows minimize to the taskbar, why? [duplicate]

Why is Aero Snap not working and how do I turn it on?

How to disable maximize-on-top-drag?

Remote Desktop and Aero in Windows 7

In Windows 7, Is there a way to snap a window to a quarter of the screen instead of half?

Permanent fix for “Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance?” warning? [duplicate]

How to show window contents while dragging in Windows Server 2008 R2?

Windows 7 Aero theme's "greyed out" - no found fix

Aero Glass/Transparent window borders in Windows 8?

non resizable window border and positioning

Why is dwm.exe using so much memory?

How can I prevent Windows from disabling Aero?

Is it possible to enable Aero Glass again in Windows 10 for Windows titles?

How to re-enable aero effects in Windows 7 after it has crashed?

How do I disable Aero Shake in Windows 7?