New posts in abstract-algebra

Infinite sum of ideals

Example of finite ring with a non principal ideal

Find all irreducible polynomials of degrees 1,2 and 4 over $\mathbb{F_2}$.

Group tables for a group of four elements.

On Bachet's Duplication Formula and the number $-432$

Is the free product of residually finite groups always residually finite?

Find $\mathrm{Aut}(G)$, $\mathrm{Inn}(G)$ and $\mathrm{Aut}(G)/\mathrm{Inn}(G)$ for $G = D_4$

Kähler differentials of tensor product

When does a system of polynomial equations have infinitely many solutions?

Reference request for CMI M.Sc entrance exam

Annihilator of a vector space $V$ is the zero subspace of $V^*$

When does there exist a section of $GL_n(\mathbb Z_p) \rightarrow GL_n(\mathbb F_p)$?

Showing a Functor is not Representable

Continued Fraction using all Perfect Squares

Normal subgroup: a problem in Verification of equivalence

Correspondence between Ext group and extensions (from Weibel's book)

Free modules are projective.

Show that $x^2 + x + 12 = 3y^5$ has no integer solutions.

Category Theory textbook (learning through guided discovery Dummit and Foote)

Normalizer and centralizer are equivalent when $p$ is the smallest prime dividing $|G|$