New posts in 3ware

RAID-5 inoperable, but no disk failure

Flashing the Firmware on a 3ware 9650SE RAID controller

How to identify failed drive/port on 3ware card

Mysterious disk activity with 3ware controller?

3Ware 9650SE RAID-6, two degraded drives, one ECC, rebuild stuck

I have a 21TB array but only 16TB is visible from Windows

Is there a way of relating the RAID units with the OS devices in 3ware?

Disk size addressable by the OS

LSI iBBU07 troubleshoot: BBU not detected?

Can a 3ware 9500S-4LP controller use 3TB drives?

How can I grow a 3Ware 9650SE RAID1 under ESXi 5.0?

HW Raid controller error

Raid 5 rebuilding epic fail

Extending a live 3Ware RAID6 array in Linux with tw_cli

What does 3Ware's tw_cli mean by a "DEGRADED" disk vs "ECC-ERROR"?

3Ware 9650SE is rebuilding RAID6 array with two degraded disks?

Error: (CLI:144) Invalid drive(s) specified when trying to rebuild 3ware RAID

3Ware RAID6 array sometimes hanging. Undetected broken disk?

How can I increase the size of a RAID 1 array from 750GB to 1TB? 3ware

RAID-6: better to replace two dead drives at the same time, or one at a time?